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Repairing Things

They cried, this thing is broke,
I questioned, they said there was no smoke.
So how, I asked, does it not work?
The stare stated, you're a berk!
It buzzes when it should beep,
It sizzles when it should sleep,
It bongs when it should ping,
It crackles when it should sing.

With no promise of success,
I took the thing, with small hope I'fess.
Set it down upon the bench,
Clamps held it steady in their clench.
Micro-driver, head selected, deployed,
Free the tiny restraints they enjoyed.
Place each mini-part in a tray,
A little click, as dropped, as if to say,
I am free for now, and may well be,
Free forever, if you try to replace me.

More force required to remove
The case, held as one apparent smooth
Shell of crackable shiny plastic
Encapsulation of yesteryears fantastic.
More tiny screws revealed,
Holding magic within sealed.
Removed and stored as before,
Note which goes where, to be sure,
That each may be returned,
To origin so discerned.
Pops out, spring loaded switch,
Remember placement for no hitch.

Innards exposed, components bare
Check connections with great care.
Remove all the fluff and dust,
Look for any signs of rust.
Diagnostics run, fault is found.
Replace that part, check the sound.
It works like new, just as it should,
Time to reassemble and make all good.

Click the parts into place,
Replace the screws around the case.
One by one, each part returned.
Carefully clockwise, each screw is turned.
Restoring original formation,
The repairer feels elation.
Plug it in, and switch it on.
Test it out, ensure the issue's gone.
Yippee! It's all fixed, and working,
So why at nerves is something jerking?
Looking down, in tray, on their own,
Sit three different screws, lost, alone.
With a shrug they get placed
In a tub marked 'spare parts, not waste'.

Last update: August 12, 2024 06:08:39
Created: August 12, 2024 05:55:54
Authors: Neil Roodyn